Kaifeng City

Announcement of the results of the deepening project of special departments on the second floor of the new District of Kaifeng Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital

Post time: 2024-03-01 15:46:13 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

          Zhongke Hengjian (Henan) Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. was entrusted by Kaifeng Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital to conduct public bidding on the deepening project of special departments on the second floor of the new hospital district of Kaifeng Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital (second time)On February 5, 2024, bid opening and bid evaluation activities were conducted in Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center in accordance with the law。The bid evaluation committee conducted the evaluation according to the provisions of the bidding documents。After the expiration of the publicity period of the bid candidates, the bid selection Committee, in accordance with the principles, methods and procedures of the bid selection, conducted the bid selection through the verification random method in Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Center on February 29, 2024, and confirmed by the tenderer, the results are hereby announced as follows:

1. Description of the bidding project

1.1. Project name:Deepening Project of Special Department on the second floor of New District of Kaifeng Maternal and Child Health Hospital (second)

1.2. Bidding Number:ZKHJ-2022-013

1.3. Construction location:Kaifeng City maternal and child health hospital new hospital district

1.4. Total investment: 25318712.68元

1.5, quality requirements: qualified

1.6、计划工期:80 calendar days

1.7. Division of bid sections: This project is divided1section

Deepening Project of Special Department on the second floor of New District of Kaifeng Maternal and Child Health Hospital (second)施工

1.8. Scope of bidding: All contents contained in bidding documents, construction drawings and bill of quantities;

Ii. Division of bid sections

2.1 Bid section name: The project is divided into 1 bid section

Deepening Project of Special Department on the second floor of New District of Kaifeng Maternal and Child Health Hospital (second)施工

2.2 Quality requirements:合格

2.3 Construction period: 80 calendar days

2.4 Qualification requirements

2.4.1Having the ability to bear civil liability independently and having a valid business license;

2.4.2 Bidder must haveGrade 3 or above qualification for general contracting of construction projects issued by the construction administrative department orConstruction and decoration engineering professional contractingGrade qualification, with a valid safety production license, and has the corresponding construction capacity in terms of personnel, equipment, funds, etc.;

2.4.3The project manager to be assigned by the bidder shall be qualified as a registered construction engineer of Grade II or above in the construction engineering profession and have valid production safety examination certificate, and have not acted as a project manager in other projects under constructionAnd issue the project manager no construction commitment。

2.4.4. The project manager, technical leader, authorized client, security officer and other key personnel of the project shall be in-service personnel of the unit, and provide labor contract and proof of paying social insurance on time in the past three months (newly hired personnel shall be counted from the date of employment);

2.4.5、Financial requirements: In good financial condition, provided for nearly three years (2020, 2021 and 2022Audited financial reports, if the company is not established enough time, according to the actual establishment of the audit report, (The newly established company can provide the financial statements from the establishment to the present or the credit certificate issued by the basic bank);

2.4.6、Credit requirements: Before the bidding deadline of this project, the people who are included in the untrustworthy execution, major tax violations and untrustworthy subjectsAnd government procurement serious illegal and dishonest behavior record list (penalty period has not expired), refuse to participate in the project bidding activities;【 Inquiry channel: China Executive Information Disclosure Network (http://zxgk.court.gov.cn/shixin/) query the person subject to enforcement for breach of trust, "Credit China" website (www.creditchina.gov.cn) Query major tax violations and dishonest subjects, China Government Procurement website (www.ccgp.gov.cn) Query the record list of serious illegal and dishonest behaviors in government procurement];Provide screenshots of web queries。

2.4.7, the person in charge of the unit is the same person or there is a holding, management relationship of different units, shall not participate in the same project bidding (provide the relevant information queried in the "National enterprise credit information publicity system");

2.4.8、Joint bids are not accepted for this project。

2.4.9、No subcontracting is allowed on this project。

2.5 Total bidding control price:25318712.68元

3. Bid opening time:February 5th, 2024, 9:25

Bid evaluation time:February 5th, 2024 at 10:30

Calibration time:At 15:00 on February 29, 2024

Iv. List of Bid Evaluation Committee members:张峰、Fang Fang, Zhou Wei, Hao Feng,陈珂。

List of members of the Bidding Committee:Chen Ke, Cao Xin, Wang Weiya

5. Verification information and results

Check content:1.Credit information: Bidders who are listed in the "credit China" website or "China Implementation Information Disclosure Website" shall be rejected to participate in the project bidding; or major tax law and credit breach subjects (" Credit China "website shall be subject to the" Credit China "website), or the record list of serious government procurement law and credit breach behaviors (" China Government Procurement website" shall be subject to the ");

2. Bribery and bribery inquiry and integrity record bad behavior: no bribery or bribery and no unfair competition (check website: http://wenshu.court.gov.cn/) and blacklist and integrity record bad behavior (verification website: National Construction market supervision public service platform http://jzsc.mohurd.gov.cn/), the bidder with bad behavior refuses to participate in the bidding of the project;

3.Basic information of the enterprise: business license, qualification certificate, safety production license, business performance, financial status, project manager certificate, technical leader certificate and project management personnel social security information;

4.The ability to perform the contract (the scanned copy of the original is attached to the bidding document, and will not be submitted separately during the verification period. If false materials are provided, the bidder shall bear the risk of being blacklisted or the person subject to enforcement for breach of trust, and the tenderer shall have the right to report to the competent department and cancel its qualification as a candidate for bid evaluation)

1) Enterprise performance since January 1, 2020: Provide the amount of > 20 million yuan or more since January 1, 2020, and have purification and decoration performance (hospitals, laboratories and other purification decoration projects), need to provide the notice of award, contract scanning copy, the time is subject to the contract signing time;

2) The bidder has completed the project in the past three years without arrears in wages of migrant workers, completion on schedule, personnel allocation and other performance conditions, and the performance evaluation certificate issued by the construction unit;

5.Scheme: Whether the project construction scheme and its corresponding safety control measures, quality control measures, civilized construction, environmental protection management system, construction site dust control measures, green energy saving control measures, construction period guarantee measures, risk management measures, etc. are reasonable and complete, comprehensive, reasonable, targeted and feasible;

6, the project manager interview (offline organization, during the verification period if the bidder does not show up within the specified time is deemed to give up the bid candidate qualification);

Where the bid selection committee verifies that any bid selection candidate has violated laws, regulations and relevant provisions of the bidding documents that affect the winning result, and does not meet the bidding conditions, he shall not enter the bidding procedure。

Verification results:After verification1. Xinbang Construction Group Co., LTD. : The bidding documents do not contain the performance evaluation certificate issued by the construction unit;Plan for 120 calendar days in the Performance Due Diligence commitment,Does not comply with the relevant regulations of the bidding documents定;                         2、沈阳天航电气设备工程有限公司:已标价工程量清单中“总价措施项目清单与计价表”“规费、税金项目计价表”无编制人、复核人员签字盖章;无综合单价分析表,Does not comply with the relevant provisions of the bidding documents;3. Zhengshuo Engineering Technology Co., LTD. : the "Total price measure project list and valuation table" and "Fee and tax project valuation table" in the list of priced quantities do not have the signature and seal of the preparer and review personnel;No comprehensive unit price analysis table,Does not comply with the relevant regulations of the bidding documentsYes, so the verification does not pass。All the remaining calibration candidates passed the calibration verification。

6. The information of the winning bidder is as follows

Full name of winning bidder: Wuhan Kebei Technology Co., LTD

Qualification ability condition: Building decoration engineering professional contracting grade One qualification

Tender offer:21263882.77元

Construction period:80 calendar days

Quality of bid: qualified

Project Manager: Wei Xiaoxue

Certificate name: Second class constructor registration Certificate

Certificate Number: E242192001545

Vii. Announcement Time:March 4, 2024 - March 6, 2024 (3 working days)

Viii. Channels and methods for raising objections:

According to the BianPublic Administration Office (2020) Article 13,If the bidder disagrees with the above results,During the publicity period, objections can be raised to the tenderer on the Kaifeng public resources trading information network cable,Overdue will no longer be accepted,The tenderer shall make a reply within 3 days from the date of receipt of the objection,If the objector still has objections to the reply or the tenderer fails to make a reply within the prescribed time,The objector may file a complaint on the Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Information network line within 10 days from the date of the announcement of the result (the objection reply period is not counted)。(In the column of important documents on this website, there are text formats and requirements for objections and complaints of construction projects)。

9. Contact information

  Person: Kaifeng maternal and Child Health Hospital

    Address: North section of Labor Road, Shunhe District, Kaifeng City 13 号


Contact number:0371-22530303

Bidding Agency:Zhongke Hengjian (Henan) Engineering Consulting Co., LTD

    址:Sanquan Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou9 meter sunshine

人:Wang Fusheng

Contact number:0371-61288189 

Supervisory department: Kaifeng Municipal Development and Reform Commission

Contact number:0371-25960016

10. Publishing media

This announcement is published simultaneously on the "China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform", "Henan Electronic Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform" and "Kaifeng Public Resources Trading Information Network"。

Download attachment:Announcement on the results of the deepening Project of Special departments on the second floor of the new District of Kaifeng Maternal and Child Health Hospital 2024.03.01.pdf

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